Hi Littlest Sweet Shoppers!!
It is finally the end of summer but my dolls are still enjoying our wide range of ice cream and sun! Since there are 2 new ice cream to debut I thought it would be nice to take photos with the new ice cream stand I got for Christmas.
Akiko and Yuffie enjoying some ice cream during their summer holidays |
First new item is our Bear Paw popsicles! It is probably too big for little 10 year old Harumi-chan. However it's made from the creamiest ice cream making it irresistible AND cute! Choose from vanilla or chocolate with strawberry ice cream detail.
Harumi buys 2 Bear Paw popsicles |
Akiko is enjoying Neapolitan and pink popsicles |
Yuffie is enjoying rainbow popsicles (Left: 2019 rainbow stripe edition) |
We also have a new type of wafer sandwich. This has plain vanilla ice cream inside but has also been coated in chocolate for extra pleasure!
Littlest Sweet Shop's Vanilla ice cream wafer sandwich with chocolate |
Last but not least - new candy bars!! This time in the style of Milky Way which is basically chocolate coated nougat. They are now available in the Etsy store or commission your individual bars which reveal the nougat inside!
Littlest Sweet Shop's version of Milky Way candy bars |
Nougat coated in chocolate |
Before signing off, just a reminder that there are still spaces for my CMW Miniatures workshop on 19th and 20th October. On the Saturday, you will be learning not 1, not 3 but 9 different coloured lollipops so you can make enough for your own little sweet shop! I will also be demonstrating how to make some simple sweets to fill up the jars. Please visit
https://www.cmwminiaturesworkshops.co.uk/ for more information.
Learn 9 different lollipops in my upcoming workshop at the CMW 2019 in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire |
Thank you so much for still being here with us! Sorry for the lack of updates, I have to admit I have been enjoying my own summer holidays for this whole month but will finally be uploading a new YouTube video tonight.